10 Contoh Pengumuman Sekolah Dalam Bahasa Inggris

10 Contoh Pengumuman Sekolah Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Teman – teman, pernahkah kalian melihat sebuah pengumuman di sekolah kalian? Pasti teman – teman semua pernah melihat contoh sebuah pengumuman. Pengumuman merupakan teks singkat yang berfungsi untuk mengumumkan sesuatu kepada khalayak ramai. Bagaimana dengan pengumuman Bahasa Inggris? Pernahkah kalian melihatnya di sekolah? Berikut ini saya akan menyajikan ontoh pengumuman sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Pengumuman Atau Announcement Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pengumuman 6
State Junior High School 10 Bandar Lampung
Pagar Alam Street No 5 Bandar Lampung
            Advised to all students Junior High School 10 Bandar Lampung, in order to commemorate the anniversary of Junior High School 10 Bandar Lampung, there will be held a well-kept class competition. This competition will be held on:
            Day / Date       : Thursday, September 22, 2016
            Time                : 08:00-finished
            The place         : All classrooms of Junior High School 10 Bandar Lampung
The winner will get a nice and unique class furniture. Thank you.
Bandar Lampung, September 12, 2016

Drs. H. Sulistiyowati, M.Pd

Pengumuman Sekolah Dalam Bahasa Inggris 7

Junior High School 1
Pattimura Street, Semarang
The principal of Junior High School 1 announced that in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Junior High School 1 will hold a hiking event. This event will be held on:
Day / Date       : Sunday, August 16, 2015
Time                : 07:00 a.m. – finished
Place                : State Junior High School 1 Semarang
This event is very important, so all students are required to attend it. Thank you.

Semarang, August 13, 2015

Yahya Darmawan. S.Pd.

Pengumuman 8
A black wallet has lost! There are a student card and important letters of Claudia Putri in the wallet. The wallet is lost around the school yard.
Whoever discovers the wallet, please return it to the owner, Claudia Putri in Class VII A or you can give it to the school staff.
Thank you for your attention.
May 25, 2016

Anggi Indriana S.Pd.
The School Staff

Pengumuman 9
Announcement of National Education Day
Advised to all students of class VII to attend the commemoration day of the National Education on:
Day/Date         : Monday, May 20, 2007
Time                : 8:00 pm
Place                : School Yard
Remembering the importance of the event, all of the students are expected to arrive on time. Thank you for your attention.
School board

Demikianlah guys, contoh pengumuman sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian dalam mempelajari teks fungsional pendek berupa pengumuman yaa.

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