10 Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Pembahasan LENGKAP

10 Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Pembahasan LENGKAP

10 Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris - Apakah kalian pernah bercerita kepada keluarga atau teman kalian mengenai pengalaman yang telah kalian lakukan? Jika pernah, apakah kalian juga pernah menuliskannya dalam bentuk sebuah teks? Nah RBI kali ini akan membahas mengenai Recount Text. Jika sobat – sobat RBI belum paham apa itu Recount Text, berikut ini saya sajikan penjelasan dan contoh – contoh Recount Text.

Pengertian Recount Text
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences that are happened in the past.
Recount Text merupakan teks yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa – peristiwa atau kejadian – kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau.

Tujuan Recount Text
The purpose of recount text is to inform the readers about events happened in the past.
Tujuan Recount Text adalah untuk memberitahu para pembaca mengenai serangkaian kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lampau.

Generic Structure of Recount Text
Terdapat beberapa bagian dalam struktur Recount Text, yaitu:
-        Orientation      : Pada bagian ini penulis menceritakan kepada para pembaca mengenai siapa, kapan, dan dimana kejadian yang akan diceritakan dalam Recount Text terjadi.
-       Events               : Pada bagian ini penulis menjabarkan serangkaian kejadian atau peristiwa yang dialami oleh sang penulis secara berurutan.
-     Reorientation    : Bagian ini merupakan bagian penutup yang bersifat optional. Maksudnya adalah penulis boleh menambahkan bagian penutup ini atau tidak saat membuat Recount Text. Pada bagian ini biasanya sang penulis akan menuliskan pesan dan kesan pribadinya mengenai kejadian yang telah ia ceritakan dalam teks tersebut kepada para pembaca.

Ciri – Ciri Recount Text
Ciri – Ciri Recount Text yaitu:
-          Menggunakan Simple Past Tense karena menceritakan kejadian atau peristiwa yang telah lampau.
-          Menggunakan kata sambung yang kronologis (chronological connection): Firstly, then, next, etc.
-          Menggunakan kata kerja sambung (Linking Verb): was, were, seemed, etc.
-          Menggunakan kata kerja aksi (Action Verb): went, changed, visited, etc.

Kumpulan Contoh Recount Text

Contoh 9
My Wonderful Holiday

I have a very wonderful holiday. Last holiday, on summer, my family and I went to Paris for about a week.
My family and I went to Paris from our home in Norway by train. It took about 3 hours to go there by train. It was the first time for me to go to a place by train and it was so amazing. I saw many trees and beautiful view in such a blink. My first step in France was in Gare de Lyon, the train station in France. Then, my family and I visited my aunt’s house in Lyon. We had a very nice talk and meal there. The next day, my aunt brought me, my sister, and my brother to Eiffel Tower. It was such a great experience that I’ve ever had that I could see the most well-known tower in the world as the love tower in a very close distance. I took many pictures there with my sister, my brother, my parents, and of course my lovely aunt.

I had many beautiful and amazing experiences in France. Paris is such a city of love. So many love I found when I was there. This holiday is very spectacular for me to be honest.

Contoh 10
Unforgettable Memories

My friends and I went to a village for teacher training for about a month. No one knew that village in my group of teaching.  We absolutely had no idea how the village and the people in this village were.
The first impression that my friends and I had when the first time we came to that village was this village was so silent and the people there looked very busy with their own activities. We thought that we would never be close to the people there. The next day, my friends and I went to school for teaching training. Our first impression was totally wrong when we just arrived at school. The teachers and students at school were very warm to welcome us. The students there were very friendly and nice to talk with. We got very close with the students and the senior teachers there. Then, when we arrived home in village, many of the children and our neighbors came to give us food or just to have a talk with us. We were very surprised.

Day by day was passed and my friends and I finally knew that we could not judge everyone just from the first impression. It needed time to know how everyone is exactly. Our experiences in the village were really unforgettable and worth to remember.

Demikianlah Penjelasan dan beberapa contoh Recount Text. Semoga penjelasan dan beberapa contoh Recount Text diatas dapat bermanfaat bagi sobat – sobat RBI dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Tapi admin sengaja tidak memberikan artinya agar admin belajar menerjemahkan text tersebut. Terima kasih.

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