Contoh Recount Text Lengkap Tentang Berlibur

Contoh Recount Text Lengkap Tentang Berlibur - Hallo teman-teman, apakah kalian pernah mempunyai pengalaman seru dimasa lampau? Pernahkah kalian menceritakan kepada seseorang tentang pengalaman kalian? Peristiwa penting apakah yang pernah kalian alami? Bagaimana perasaan kalian mendapatkan peristiwa tersebut? Dengan siapa kalian mengalami hal tersebut? Pastilah semua orang mengalami hal menarik semasa hidupnya. Setiap orang mempunyai pengalaman berbeda beda. Contoh hal menarik yang biasa diceritakan orang adalah pergi kesuatu tempat yang sangat indah, mendapatkan kemenangan dalam perlombaan, mendapatkan peristiwa unik, dll.Yah, kali ini kita kana membahas text yang menceritakan masa lampau yang dalam bahasa inggris disebut Recount Text.

Recount Text (Teks Recount)

1.      Definition of Recount Text ( Pengertian Teks Recount)

Recount Text adalah text yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa penting dimasa lampau yang dialami oleh seseorang yang disusun secara berurutan.

( Recount Text is a text which retells past event)

2.      The purpose of Recount Text ( Tujuan Dari teks Recount)

Tujuan komunikatif dari recount text adalah untuk menceritakan pengalaman atau kejadian dan peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lalu secara kronologis atau secara berurutan dengan tujuan untuk entertain atau menghibur pembaca atau pendengar. (the purpose of recount text is to retell pas event and entertain the reader)

3.      Generic Structure of Recount Text

a. Orientation
Pada bagian ini,  terdapat latar belakang sebuah peristiwa yang akan diceritakan oleh penulis yang biasanya terdapat di paragraf pertama. Latar belakang yang dimaksud adalah, penokohan atau tokoh yang mengalami peristiwa, tempat terjadinya peristiwa dan waktu terjadinya peristiwa.

b. Events
pada bagian ini barulah penulis meceritakan inti kejadian seseorang yang terjadi secara berurutan mulai menceritakan jalannya dari awal hingga akhir. Menceritakan peristiwa secara berurutan biasanya menggunakan kata seperti: “ In the first day”,  “And then” and etc.

c. Reorientation
Generic structure dari recount text yang terakhir adalah reorientation, ini adalah bagian kesimpulan atau penutup yang mengekspresikan pendapat pribadi penulis tentang kejadian yang telah diceritakan. Misalnya cerita tentang liburan, maka penulis akan menyimpulkan kesan tentang liburannya dengan “what an wonderful holiday” and etc.

4.      Ciri Kebahasaan Recount Text

a.       Menggunakan kalimat yang berbentuk simple past tense.

Contoh : We went to Parangtritid beach 2 days ago and there was very beautiful scenery.

b.      Menggunakan Action verb

Contoh: She went to Jonggol, She brought many things, he swam quickly in the sea, my friend and I looked a beautiful scenery and etc.

c.       Menggunakan Adverb atau Adverbial Phrase untuk mengungkapkan waktu, tempat dan cara.

Contoh : I went to Bali a week ago,  they walked very slowly and etc.

d.      Menggunakan Kata Sambung ( Conjunction)

Contoh: I was smimming when my mother called me.

I wanted to drive the car but my father did not allow me .

Contoh Recount Text tentang Holiday dan Artinya

When I was at second grade of Senior High School, My friend and I went to Jogjakarta. This vacation was one of the requirements to reach the next level to third grade of senior high school. We went to Jogjakarta by Bus together. Before going to Jogjakarta, all of the students should bring some equipment and clothes because we stayed there for 3 days.

In the first day, we checked in the hotel in the morning. There were 4 students who stayed in each room. Fortunately, I stayed with all my closed friends. After finishing to clean our body and provided equipment , we prepared to go to Borobudur temple after getting breakfast. We got breakfast at Mojolali Restaurant which the food was very tasty. I ate my favorite food that was Gudeg. Do you know Gudeg? Gudeg is food that is made by jack fruit which is mixed by some flavors. The taste was very good. After finishing eating, we went to Borobudur Temple. We arrived there at 10:00 a.m and took many pictures. I saw many foreigners visited in Borobudur temple and asked them to take a photo together but they did allow us. We also saw many sculptures about the Majapahit kingdom relic but I did not know who was in the sculptures. When we walked around the temple, we saw many people who sold some scarfs and T-shirt near the temple. The price was very cheap so we bought many things to our family. After that we checked again to the hotel.

In the last day, we visited to the Prangtritis beach which has beautiful scenery. The wind was very strong but I really enjoyed there. We took many photos together with our friends. We stayed there until 05:30 so We could see the sunset. There were so many children who ride the little car around the beach and I enjoyed the activity.

The third day there, we decided to go home when we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted because of the trip but we were so happy to travel such an amazing Jogjakarta has.

Demikianlah teman – teman contoh recount text lengkap tentang berlibur. Semoga contoh recount text tentang berlibur diatas dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian yang ingin membuat cerita pengalaman pribadi anda sendiri. Terima kasih.

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