Kupas Tuntas 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris + Contoh Kalimatnya

Kupas Tuntas 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris + Contoh Kalimatnya - Halo guys! Apakah kalian merasa kesulitan dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris? Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dapat dengan mudah dilakukan salah satunya dengan mempelajari struktur Bahasa Inggris atau Grammar. Berikut ini saya akan menyajikan pembahasan lengkap mengenai 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris.

Penbahasan 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris + Contoh Kalimatnya

  1. Simple Present Tense

ü  Menunjukkan jadwal atau kegiatan rutin, e.g We go to school everyday.
ü  Menunjukkan kebenaran mutlak, e.g. The sun sets in the west.

(+) S + V1 (+es/s)
(-) S + Do/Does + not +V1
(?) Do/Does + not + S + V1?

(+) The train leaves at 8 in the morning.
(-) I go to a swimming school.
(?) Do you take a mathematic course?

  1. Present Continuous Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan.
ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang pasti dilakukan di masa yang akan datang, e.g. She is coming to my home tomorrow.

(+) S + am/is/are + Ving
(-)  S + am/is/are + not + Vin
(?) Am
/is/are + S + Ving?

(+) Rina is waiting for her boyfriend in a train station.
(-) We are not wearing red T-shirts
(?) Is he driving his car towards us?

  1. Present Perfect Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang dikerjaan pada masa lampau dan baru selesai pada saat sekarang.

(+) S + have/has + V3
(-)  S + have/has + not + V3
(?) Have/has + S + V3?

(+) John has read a novel just now.
(-) We have not called you.
(?) Has she borrowed your book?

  1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang sudah terjadi atau telah dikerjakan di masa lalu dan masih ada kemungkinan untuk dilanjutkan atau terjadi nanti.

(+) S + have/has + been + Ving
(-)  S + have/has + not + been + Ving
(?) Have/has + S + been + Ving

(+) I have been teaching here since 2014.
(-) Angga has not been living here since 2000.
(?) Have they been studying here since 2015?

  1. Simple Past Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang telah selesai dilakukan pada waktu lampau.

(+) S + V2 + O
(-)  S + did + not +
VInf (V1)
(?) Did + S +
VInf (V1)

(+) My cat ate my apple yesterday.
(-) They did not sleep in her messy room last week.
(?) Did you watch the latest movie yesterday?

  1. Past Continuous Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung atau sedang dikerjakan pada masa lampau.
ü  Menunjukkan beberapa pekerjaan yang dilakukan bersama – sama (contoh 3) atau pekerjaan yang satu terjadi lebih dahulu dari pekerjaan yang lain (contoh 2).

(+) S + was/were + Ving
(-)  S + was/were + not + Ving
(?)  Was/were + S + Ving

(+) I was reading a book in school library.
(-) She was not listening to music when the teacher came to the class.
(?) Were you singing while your mother was cooking?

  1. Past Perfect Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang baru saja selesai ketika pekerjaan lain baru dimulai di masa lampau.

(+) S + Had + V3
(-)  S + Had + not + V3
(?)  Had + S + V3

(+) I had watched television before you called me.
(-) They had not had dinner when I visited them.
(?) Had you done your last project?

  1. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan pada masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu pada masa lampau.

(+) S + had + been + Ving
(-)  S+had+not+been+Ving
(?) had+S+been+Ving

(+) I had been learning German for a year at 2013.
(-) They had not been working for some months at 2015.
(?) Had your uncle been living in England for 3 years before he moved to Indonesia last year?

  1. Simple Future Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang akan terjadi.
ü  Digunakan dalam membuat kalimat pengandaian tipe 1 (Conditional Sentence Type 1).

(+) S + will + Inf (V1)
(-)  S + will+ not + Inf (V1)
(?) Will + S + Inf (V1)

(+) Kory will call you if you text her.
(-) I will not leave you alone here.
(?) Will you help me doing my homework?

  1. Future Continuous Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang akan sedang terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.

(+) S + will + be + Ving
(-)  S+ will + not + be + Ving
(?)  Will + S + be + Ving

(+) I will be swimming in the swimmping pool on Tuesday.
(-) We will not be going anywhere next week.
(?) Will your aunt be cooking at 8 tomorrow morning?

  1. Future Perfect Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang akan telah selesai di masa yang akan datang.

(+) S + will + have + V3
(-)  S + will + have + not + V3
(?) Will + S + have + V3

(+) I will have finished my script by the end of this year.
(-) You will not have eaten your pizza at the time you go home.
(?) Will he have slept at 10 pm?

  1. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

ü  Memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan Present Perfect Continous Tense, hanya saja aktivitas atau kejadian tersebut terjadi di masa yang akan datang.

(+) S+will+have+been+Vin
(-)  S+will+have+not+been+Ving
(?) Will+S+have+been+Ving

(+) They will have been sleeping in my house at 11 pm.
(-) He will not have been studying for a day next Monday.
(?) Will you have been swimming in the swimming pool for 3 hours next Saturday?

  1. Past Future Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan pada masa lampau.
ü  Digunakan dalam membuat kalimat pengandaian tipe 2 (Conditional Sentence Type II) (contoh kalimat 3).

(+): S + would + Infinitive/V1
(-): S + would + not + Infinitive/V
(?): Would + S + Infinitive/V1

(+) She would give you some foods.
(-) Your aunt would not let you go with him.
(?) Would you attend his birthday party if he invited you?

  1. Past Future Continuous Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang akan sedang dilakukan pada masa lampau.

(+) S + would + be + Ving
(-)  S + would + not + be + Ving
(?) Would + S + be + Ving

(+) I would be accompanying you buying souvenirs if you allowed me.
(-) Her sister would not be walking home alone if she were not going with her friends.
(?) Would he be waiting for her mother for 1 hour?

  1. Past Future Perfect Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang akan sudah selesai dikerjakan pada masa lampau.
ü  Digunakan dalam membuat kalimat pengandaian tipe 3 (Conditional Sentence Type III) (contoh kalimat 1 dan 3).

(+) S + would + have + been + V3
(-)  S + would + not + have + been + V3
(?) Would +S+ have+ been+ V3

(+) That car would have been fixed if my brother had come last Sunday.
(-) This work would not have been finished by midnight.
(?) Would you have been taken my all packages at post office if I had asked you?

  1. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

ü  Menunjukkan aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan pada masa lampau dan masih akan dilakukan sampai pada waktu tertentu pada masa lampau.

(+) S + would + have + been + V-ing             e.g: You would have been sleeping
(-) S + would + not + have + been + V-ing   e.g: She would not have been crying
(?) Would + S + have + been + V-ing?          e.g: Would you have living at London for 3 years last year?

(+) They would have been dancing all night long.
(-) She would not have been studying for 4 hours last Monday.
(?) Would you have been spying her for a week last month?

Demikianlah guys pembahasan lengkap mengenai 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat bagi teman – teman dalam mempelajari tenses dalam Bahasa Ingris. Terima kasih.

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