10 Contoh Naskah Story Telling Singkat Terbaru

10 Contoh Naskah Story Telling Singkat - Salam guys! Sudah pernahkah kalian melakukan story telling? Story telling merupakan kegiatan menceritakan suatu cerita oleh sesorang dimana seseorang tersebut menjadi karakter yang ada di dalam cerita tersebut. Berikut ini saya akan menyajikan beberapa contoh naskah story telling singkat. Check this out!!!

Contoh Naskah Story Telling 1

Three worms
In a yard there lived three worms. In the morning the three worms heard that the home owner will raise chickens. The three worms immediately plan to dig a hole as deep as possible in order, not to be eaten by the chickens that will be maintained to the owner of the house. Three of the worm began to dig a hole. The first worm to dig a hole as deep as 5 cm while, second worm dig a hole as deep as 7 cm, and a third worm dig a hole as deep as 60 cm. The first worm and second worms already finished digging a while, the third worm was still digging, the first and second worms approached the third worms. "Hey worm, why do you keep digging?" Asked first worm. "Yeah, what are you keep digging, I sure the chicken belonging to the host will not dig too deeply, "said the second worm." are you sure? "Reply third worm." Yes we are very confident! "the first and second worms were convincing but, the third worm still continued to dig. When lunch arrived the worms have started tense. The host returned home from buying chickens in markets last bird, remove the chickens in the yard. The worm also energetically went into their respective holes. Chickens belong to the host immediately dug the soil around it, and it turns out that the chicken has found a worm belonging to the first hole, "Hey worms, you come out of hiding tock, Petok, petokk," said chicken. Worms unity began to worry, chickens began to dig a hole belonging to the first worm. The first worm was soon digging the ground toward a second worm holes. Turns out chickens see that he immediately followed the first worm toward the worm hole. The chicken was found the worms belong second hole depth is only 7 cm. "Haha, I find your hole worm," said chicken while digging holes worms belong to the second. The chicken was discovered the existence of two worms. They were soon digging in the dirt and worms belong to the third hole which is about 60 cm. The chicken was followed two worms. The chicken was found the hole belonging to the third worm, the first and second worms were still ongoing in the hole to find a third worm. Chicken shouted, "Hey worms, where else you want to, I have found you. You can not go anywhere else tock, "said chicken. He first and second worms still have not found the existence of a third worm because of a hole that he made very deep. The chicken was digging a hole belonging to third worms and have not found three worms. Until finally the two worms find the third worm is digging a hole to be deeper. "Stop .. stop .. quite the end of it!" Cried the two worm earlier. The third worm turned, "Why are you here? go back to your respective holes, "said the third worm." Chickens can not find us, this hole is quite deep, "said the second worm. The third worm was stopped digging. They heard the sound of chicken from the ground. "Hey where you, O my food stamps!" Cried the chicken. Worms was scared. Chickens kept digging in the ground until he felt exhausted and ended up leaving the wormhole ago, looking for a wormhole to another. The worms are very happy when no longer the voice of the excavation of the chicken. First and second worms thanked the third worm for teaching them that, if they want to get something better to do with a more active and not lazy.

Contoh Naskah Story Telling 2

Deer and Tortoise
Long time ago, there lived a deer. He was very arrogant grumpy. He often underestimated the ability of other animals. One day the deer stroll by the lake. He met a turtle that looks just pacing alone. "Turtle, what are you doing here?" "I'm looking for a source of livelihood," replied the turtle. The deer suddenly got angry to hear the answers to the tortoise. "Do not play you, hey turtle! You just pacing alone but pretended seeking livelihood!" The tortoise tried to explain, but the deer was still angry. In fact, the deer threatened to step on the body of the turtle. The tortoises were finally exasperated tortoise was challenging to play hardball calf. The deer was very upset to hear the challenge of the tortoise to complain calf. He also requested that the tortoise kicking its legs first. “Just kickas hard as best that you can do!" The turtles are not willing to do so. He said, "If I kick your calves, you will fall down and not be able to reply to kick me." The deer increasingly got upset to hear words of the tortoise. He was getting ready to kick. He was poised. When she felt right, he kicked the front leg as strong as possible. When the stag swung her legs, the turtle immediately insert the legs into its shell. The kick of the deer just was about to empty places. The deer are very angry to find his shot not hit. He then stepped on the tortoise shell firmly. As a result, the body of the turtle goes down into the ground. The deer thought that tortoise would be dead. He also left the tortoise. The tortoise tried hard out of the ground. After a week of trying, the turtle finally made it out of the ground. He then looked for the deer. The discovery of the deer after several days of looking. "Come Deer, now it's my turn to kick." The deer just underestimated the ability of the tortoise. "Put all your ability to kick my calves. Come on, do not hesitate!" Tortoise alerted and squared off in a high place. He then rolled his body. And when the time got near the body of a deer, he raised his body until his body floated. The tortoise was eyeing the nose of the deer. Once the severity of the tortoise shell hit to the nose of the deer broke. Immediately arrogant deer was dead.

Demikianlah good learners, beberapa contoh naskah story telling singkat. Semoga dapat membantu sahabat RBI semua dalam melakukan story telling. Baca Juga Pengertian Ciri-ciri Jenis dan Contoh Report Text Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap Report Text. Terima kasih!!!!

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