5 Contoh Hortatory Exposition Beserta Pembahasannya Lengkap

5 Contoh Hortatory Exposition Beserta Pembahasannya Lengkap - Hello good learners! Apakah kalian sudah mengetahui tentang Analytical Exposition Text? Karena sebelumnya mimin telah membahas tentang teks tersebut. Jika sudah, ada satu jenis teks lagi dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bentuk dan strukturnya hampir mirip dengan Analytical Exposition Text, tetapi beda dibagian akhir teksnya. Teks tersebut adalah Hortatory Exposition Text. Berikut ini saya akan menyajikan beberapa contoh Hortatory Exposition Text beserta pembahasannya lengkap.

Pengertian Hortatory Exposition Text
Hortatory Exposition Text merupakan teks lisan atau tulisan yang dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan para pendengar atau pembaca dimana sesuatu harus atau tidak harus dilakukan.

Tujuan Hortatory Exposition Text
Tujuan dari teks ini yaitu untuk mengajak para pendengar ataupun para pembaca bahsa sesuatu harus atau tidak seharusnya dilakukan.

Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition Text
1. Thesis                      : Bagian ini merupakan bagian yang berisi pengenalan topik dan posisi penulis (pro atau kontra)
2. Arguments              : Bagian ini berisi alasan atau penjelasan dari poin – poin mengenai topik yang sedang dibahas.
3. Recommendation    : Bagian ini berisi pernyataan penulis terhadap sesuatu seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya terjadi.

Ciri – Ciri Hortatory Exposition Text
Ciri – ciri teks ini yaitu:
-          Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
-          Menggunakan modal, adjective, dan adverb
-          Mengguankan action verb dan linking verb
-          Menggunakan transisi

Contoh Hortatory Expsition Text ( 4 )

Benefits of Using Mobiles for Students
Advances in communications technology has many benefits for human life. One evidence of advances in communications technology is the creation of Mobile. Mobile is a technology created by man to facilitate communication. And in the era, such as today's technology, mobile phones are not foreign goods for anyone. In fact, small children play too many have mobile phones. Moreover, with the new curriculum, which has been in force in Indonesia as it is today, mobile phones are objects that are quite important in the learning process for students.

There are many benefits of mobile phones for students. First, as a means of distance communication, mobile phones are becoming the mainstay of the students to interact with their friends. This could facilitate students to coordinate their friends if you want to study groups or working on a common task. Mobile was created to facilitate the life, and it is evident that the student's life was indeed helped by the presence of mobile phones. For example, outside school hours, students can communicate with their friends to inquire material or homework assignments without having to leave the house who can spend a lot of time. In addition, the mobile can store data and easy to carry anywhere, this would be very useful. Benefits of mobile phones for students based on this example, students can record the subject matter and can memorize it anywhere and anytime. Another example, students may note some important information and store it in the HP, for example, the announcement of the test, a material that is being delivered. Second, not only in the field of study, the phone also has entertainment features such as music (MP3) or games. This feature can entertain students who may be tired while studying. Thus the brain of the student will come back refreshed and better able to accommodate the lessons. Third, when this has produced many internet-enabled mobile phones. It is quite easy for students to find information about the subject matter that is already available via the Internet on mobile phones. In this case, the internet service will assist students in finding information that can sustain knowledge in school.

Thus, some of the benefits of mobile phones to students described above, it can be concluded that the use of mobile phones has been duly permitted in teaching and learning in schools, given the many benefits of the mobile phone itself for the students, when used appropriately and correctly.

Contoh Hortatory Expsition Text ( 5 )

Using Gadgets While Driving
Several studies have found that the calling or texting while driving is the biggest cause of road accidents. The study also revealed that mobile phone use while driving donate one out of every four traffic accidents. The dangers of using mobile phones while driving is not the way we use them (including wearing handsfree), but rather on the topic or what we are talking about at the time. So the danger is that the driver was forced to think of the brain other important things while driving, so that the concentration becomes fragmented.

1. Using mobiles when driving is far more dangerous than driving while intoxicated.
2. Texting while driving 6 (six) times more likely to cause accidents than driving while intoxicated.
3. Almost 23% of accidents are caused by phoning use cell phones when driving.
4. Driving while calling can make the brain reacts (although still a teenager) as the brain of the elderly aged 70 years.

Under certain circumstances a very urgent / emergency call or important SMS, then it is good if you are pulled over in advance to accept, for the sake of the safety of themselves as well as others.

Good learners, demikianlah beberapa contoh Exposition Text beserta pembahasannya lengkap. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat membantu teman – teman dalam mempelajari jenis teks ini ya.

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