Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris 500 Kata Tentang Perkuliahan

Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris 500 Kata Tentang Perkuliahan - Hai guys! apakah kalian suka membaca cerpen? Cerpen atau cerita pendek merupakan cerita atau karya sastra yang mengisahkan cerita tentang manusia dan seluk beluknya. Cerpen ditulis singkat dan memiliki cerita yang tidak bertele – tele. Cerpen tidak hanya ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia, akan tetapi dapat ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris. Cerpen dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai Short Story. Nah kali ini saya akan menyajikan contoh cerpen dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Cerita pendek Bahasa Inggris  Tentang Perkuliahan

A noisy morning in a boarding house, Viona woke up with a bad mood. She still remembered about what happened yesterday. Yesterday she check for her GPA on the web of her university. Her GPA was not as what she expected. Viona got upset on GPA for the fourth semester. "I still can not believe that my GPA this semester is bad.I thought this semester my GPA would be 4.00" said Viona in her heart. She was still lying on bed thinking about her GPA. At 11:00 pm, Viona was getting ready to go to college. At college she met her friends. All of people who knew Viona were asking the same question and talking the same thing, her GPA. "Hey Vi! Well, surely this semester your GPA is good as usual, isn’t it?" Asked Gebi. "Nope, it is low." Answer Viona. "How come?" Asked Gebi again. "My GPA on previous semesters were good,  but this semester... is bad” Answered Viona. "Anyway I want to go to a cafetaria. Do you wanna come with me?” Asked Viona. "Sorry, I can’t. I want to pick my sister at her school. Next time maybe." Answered Gebi.

In a cafeteria Viona was sitting on the bench and ordered orange juice. Suddenly her phone rang. It was a call from his mother who was in the village. "Assalamu'alaikum, Viona. How are you? And what about your college?" Asked Viona’s mother. "Wa'alaikumsalam Mom,  Alhamdulillah my college is good. I study well. Hmm .. But yesterday I checked my GPA and it was lower than the previous semester, Mom." Explained Viona. "Oh, it’s okay. You have passed all courses, right? The important thing is not the value that you get, but the knowledge that you get from studying in the college." Said Viona’s mother. "Yeah, but Mom, Viona want to be the student with the highest GPA on my graduation later. I want to make you proud." Said Viona. "Yeah but you've made me a proud mother, my love. Don’t think much about your GPA on this semester. I wanna cook now, just study well okay my sweety. Assalamu'alaikum." Adviced Viona’s mother. "Alright, Mom. Wa'alaikumsalam." Said Viona and the she drank her orange juice.

The next day, Viona read something at school wall-magazine. It was about the seminar titled "GPA". She got curious and interested to attend the seminar. Two weeks later, on a day where the seminar was being held that afternoon at 01:00 pm, Vona headed there. There were 80 people who participated in the seminar on that day, including Gebi, her classmates. They met there and sit next to each other. The seminar was held for approximately two hours with two speakers. The discussion was about the students who pursue a high GPA. Viona then realized because during this time, she was highly pursuing a high GPA and was not active in any organization on campus. It was that made her a student who was only clever in a written test, but in terms of public speaking she was still stiff. She also sometimes got sloppy. After attending the seminar, Viona no longer thought that her GPA was low. Starting her first lecture at the fifth semester, Viona had been active in an organization in the field of journalism. Recently, while studying Viona also worked at a boutique belonged to her mother. Viona were now able to divide her time also had eased the burden of his mother in the village with the salary she earned. The seminar was really motivating and life-changing for Viona.

Demikianlah guys contoh cerpen dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga cerpen tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian dan sobat – sobat dapat mengambil hikmah dari cerpen tersebut yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pelajaran berharga. Terima kasih.

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