Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Di Sekolah

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Di Sekolah - Hai guys! Pasti kalian semua pernah mengobrol atau bahkan menggosip dengan teman – teman kalian, kan? Obrolan atau gossip masuk termasuk sebuah percakapan. Nah, kali ini Rumah Bahasa Inggris akan menyajikan contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 orang.

Conversation 3 people at School atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

One morning at school, a teacher, Ali, and Roy are discussing about August 17 commemorative events to be held in a week.

Teacher: Hello Andy and Roy. Indonesian Independence Day event is already some days remaining. How is your preparation?

Ali: Hmmm Sir, Osis and I have held meetings. We recommend that you conduct some activities that will be held on the day of Indonesian Independence. All stuff that you wanna know is enclosed in this proposal pack. Please check this, Sir.

Teacher: Hmmm, let me see! (While taking the proposal that issubmitted by Ali)

Roy: The anniversary of Indonesian Inependence will not only hold the competition that we usually do each year. This year will be different. There will be a slight variation of the competitionin order to make the students excited to join the competition..
Teacher: Really?Yes okay. Hmmm, what kinds of variation that you propose?

Ali: Actually there are only a few additions for branches of the competition and the changes of the number of the participants of the competition.

Roy: Yes Sir, for this year we will add some branches to some competitions, such aswriting short stories, poetry, and drama for each class. Tthe competitions that already exist such as sack race, football, climbing and others. The teacher will do the same competitions as students in order to make the teahers get closer to the pupils, Sir.

Teacher: Well, your proposal is very good. I am going to tell the father of the principal. Regarding the funds that you need, I will handle the process as soon as possible so you do not hamper the implementation of activities. I also do not want, just because of funding issues,  to hamper your grand performances. All right, I trust you both. Good work!

Roy: Alright Sir, thank youso much. We excuse me.

Ali: We excuse me Sir, Assalamualaikum.

Teacher: Waalaikumsalam.

Demikianlah contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris untuk 3 orang. Semoga teman - teman dapat dengan mudah memahaminya dan dapat berlatih untuk berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggis dengan lancar.

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