Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang Tentang Lingkungan

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang Tentang Lingkungan - Hai guys! Kalian pasti pernah bercakap – cakap atau berbincang – bincang berdua, bertiga, atau mungkin berempat dengan teman akrab kalian. Apakah kalian pernah mencoba untuk bercakap – cakap dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan mereka? Nah, kali ini saya akan menyajikan contoh percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk 4 orang.

Conversation 4 People about Environment atau Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Theme: Environment Cleanliness

Betty: Hey, what are you guys doing? (As he hurried to go toward Vino and Glen)

Vina: (following Betty toward Vino and Glen)

Glen: Hey Betty, Vina. Do you want to come eat with us? The food is tasty and the atmosphere to eat near this river is very comfortable.

Vino: Yeah, that is right. Our meal is so much enjoyable because of different atmosphere. Do you want to join us?

Betty: Nope, that is not what I want to ask. I want to ask why you guys threw the trash of your food in this river? Did you realize what actually you guys were doing?

Vina: Yeah, did not you realize it? Don’t you know that what you guys just did can harm the envuironment and cause a great damage?

Vino: Oh.. Yes we threw rice and some papers into the river. So what then? Is there something wrong with what we did?

Vina: Yes, absolutely. The river is not a place to throw trash. There is a rubbish bin over there. why don’t you guys throw the rubbish there?

Glen: Hmmm, actually we know that throwing rubbish into the river is prohibited, but it is dont by many people, right? So we are not exactly wrong, are we?

Vina: Yes of course it's one of your deeds. The river currently is very clean and clear, but if the trash are getting amny and many then this river will become dirty in a long time.

Vino: Hey, come on ... we just throw a little trash on the rest of our meal. Anyway we are also not the only people who throw garbage in the river.

Glen: Alright then. The trash can is very far from here. It is not practical that we need to walk a long way just to throw a rubbish.

Betty: Your act can not be justified. Although it is not only you guys who throw garbage in the river, at least start from yourself to throw trash in its place. Not in the river!

Vina: Yup, look at us! We are still holding the rest of our food bins at hand. We are patient enough for no throwing the rubbish carelessly. We'll throw it in the trash bin.

Vino and Glen: (scratching his head while listening Vina and Betty speaking)

Betty: Do you know the results of your acts?

Vino and Glen: (shaking his head)

Vina: It will cause major natural disasters, like flood and one things of course is that you have damaged the environment by doing so.

Vino: Is it?

Vina: Yes obviously. If you throw garbage, then it will block the flow of river and the water will overflow and overwhelm us. Moreover, we are in the rainy season right? If you do so then our environment might get flood.

Betty: Yup. Imagine if there are 10 people just like you who throw the rubbish into the river assuming one person throwing garbage 1kg / day, so there will be 10 kg of waste dumped in the river every day. Can you imagine that?

Vino: Yeah, forgive us. We will not throw garbage in the river again. From now on we'll throw it in the trash bin that has been provided. Right, Glen?

Glen: Yeah, trust me. We will change our bad habits.

Vina: Well, I believe. From now on we do not litter carelessly again.

Betty: That’s good. Let’s keep our environment healthy from now on.

Nah guys, demikianlah contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris untuk 4 orang. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian dalam melatih percakapan Bahasa Inggris.

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