10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Pembahasannya Lengkap

10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Pembahasannya Lengkap

10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Pembahasannya Lengkap - Halo teman – teman! Apakah kalian sudah mempelajari jenis teks eskposisi dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Bagaimana dengan Analytical Exposition? Teks Exposisi dan Analytical Exposition Text merupakan jenis teks yang hampir sama, namun ditulis dalam bahasa dan struktur yang berbeda. Rumah Bahasa Inggris akan menyajikan beberapa contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta pembahasan lengkapnya.

Pengertian Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical Exposition Text merupakan teks yang menghubungkan ide atau pemikiran sang penulis mengenai fenomena atau kejadian di sekitarnya.

Tujuan Analytical Exposition Text

Tujuan dari teks ini yaitu untuk menganalisa sebuah fenomena dan mengajak para pembaca agar setuju bahwa pendapat yang ditulis oleh sang penulis mengenai sesuatu benar atau salah.

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

1. Thesis          : Bagian ini merupakan bagian yang berisi pengenalan topik dan posisi penulis (pro atau kontra)
2. Arguments  : Bagian ini berisi penjelasan dari poin – poin mengenai topik yang sedang dibahas.
3. Conclusion  : Bagian ini berisi pernyataan ulang sang penulis mengenai posisinya tersebut.

Ciri – Ciri Analytical Exposition Text
Ciri – ciri teks ini yaitu:
-          Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
-          Menggunakan internal conjunction
-          Mengguankan relational and mental processes

Contoh Analytical Expsition Text:

Cigarettes are objects that provide a relaxing effect. Cigarettes have such a long cylinder of paper size, contain tobacco leaves that have been shredded. Cigarettes contain thousands of substances of which 50 per cent of them have been classified as a substance which has a negative effect on human health. Such materials include radioactive Polonium-201, Acetone (an ingredient in paint), Ammonia (toilet cleaner), naphthalene, DDT (pesticide) and other arsenic poisoning. Additionally, when burned, the cigarettes emit hydrogen cyanide gas that is often used in the gas chamber for the death penalty. Not to mention if the incomplete combustion can produce carbon monoxide gas (CO). Other substances that are harmful and are often referred to, among others, Tar and Nicotine. Tar is a unity of forty-three ingredients that cause cancer. While Nicotine is a substance that can stimulate the nerves and the brain causing addiction effects. This makes a smoker is often difficult to break away from the shackles of cigarettes. Of the total cases of heart disease that occurs in humans, 25 percent is the result of smoking. As health-conscious society, then we must do something to promote the dangers of smoking. All parties, whether it's parents, teachers, the community and the government should conduct socialization about the dangers of smoking for students according to ability and conditions of each. Socialisation should really real and into the subconscious of the students. Things that can be done to prevent students smoke are first, School and its staff must be committed to free schools from smoking. Teachers, employees and parents and all those who visit the school can not smoke like in a hospital. This is an exemplary form. Of course it would be strange and absurd if only the students that are prohibited to smoke. Second, the students may not use sponsorship of tobacco companies in doing scholactivities. Third, parents who smoke do not show themselves when smoking in front of their children. But if parents can stop smoking, of course it would be better because it can be emulated by the children. Fourth, if the children have spare time then the duty of parents to encourage them in positive activities so that they do not have time to smoke. The activity can be as tutoring, sports, etc. Better yet, if the parents participate in it. Non-smoking healthy living should start now. It is better for you to leave cigarettes now to make you healthy and fitter than later you have to leave the cigarette in a state of critical illness and death.

Traffic Jam
In many big cities, traffics are on the highway into a thorny issue. Actually this is not uncommon. However, traffic congestion is a condition that is annoying for us as road users. If you notice, at certain times of the traffic in the streets seemed stalled. In the morning, traffic jams begin to start when residents start leaving for their place to work and the students start going to school. During the day traffic congestion peaks. Many things become a traffic jam. First, the intersection with the railroad. Second, a growing number of vehicles passing by in the streets. Third, many roads are used as parking a vehicle and as a place where hawkers sell. Fourth, frequent traffic lights dead. Fifth, the less commendable attitude to the driver, such as the vehicle parks carelessly and bother other vehicles. Recently, the traffic police did not look at post, especially if the traffic lights off. Thus, due to traffic congestion arises, many people get time wasted. In addition, fuel is also wasted. Traffic congestion can also cause air and noise pollution. In fact, it can lead to stress that attacks our spiritual health.

Nah teman – teman, demikianlah beberapa contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta pembahasan lengkapnya. Semoga dapat membantu teman - teman sekalian. Terima kasih

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