Kumpulan Contoh Explanation Text Beserta Pembahasan Lengkap

KumpulanContoh Explanation Text Beserta Pembahasan Lengkap - Hello guys! Pernahkah kalian memikirkan bagaimana proses terjadinya salju? Atau pernahkah kalian membaca bagaimana cara pengolahan teh? Kedua proses tersebut, baik proses terjadinya salju maupun cara pengolahan teh termasuk dalam contoh Explanation text. Lalu apakah Explanation Text itu? Rumah Bahasa Inggris kali ini akan menyajikan beberapa contoh Explanation Text beserta pembahasan lengkapnya.

Pengertian Explanation Text

Explanation text is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena.
Explanation Text merupakan sebuah teks yang memberikan informasi mengenai serangkaian proses yang berkaitan dengan pembentukan fenomena alami, sosial, ilmiah, dan budaya.

Tujuan Explanation Text

The purpose of explanation text is to inform the readers how to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena that is often found in science, geography, and history textbooks.
Tujuan Explanation Text adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada para pembaca mengenai kenapa dan bagaimana pembentukan suatu fenomena di bumi yang sering ditemukan di dalam buku ilmu pengetahuan alam, sosial, dan sejarah.

Generic Structure of Explanation Text
Sama halnya dengan jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya, Explanation Text juga memiliki generic structure sebagai berikut.
-          General Statement                   : Bagian ini menjelaskan fenomena yang akan dijelaskan dalam Explanation Text.
-          Sequenced Explanation          : Bagian ini berisi penjelasan mengenai langkah – langkah atau cara – cara terjadinya suatu fenomena.

Ciri – Ciri Explanation Text

Explanation Text memiliki beberapa ciri sebagai berikut.
-          Menyebutkan suatu fenomena (rain, rainbow, water cycle, etc).
-          Menggunakan chronological connection (at first, next, then, etc).
-          Menggunakan pola passive voice.
-          Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

Contoh – Contoh Explanation Text

Snow is water that falls from clouds that have been frozen into a solid rain. Snow consists of particles of water vapor then cools the air above then fall to earth as pieces of soft, white, and as crystal tender. At a certain temperature (called the freezing point of 0 ° Celsius, 32 ° Fahrenheit), regular snow melt and disappear. The current process of snow / ice turns directly into water vapor without first melting is called sublimation. Then, how does the snow occur?

1. Steam is assembled in the atmosphere, water vapor cools collection to the point of condensation and agglomerate to form clouds.

2. The clumps of water vapor floating in the air because of its mass is much lighter than air underneath. After a column of steam continued to grow and the heavier mass, underneath the air can no longer hold it and wadded it crashed.

3. The air temperature is quite cold underneath, before falling in the form of lumps of ice crystals (snow).

4. Usually the air temperature under the clouds is below zero degrees Celsius. However, low temperature alone is not enough to create snow. When particles of pure water is in contact with air, pure water is contaminated by other particles. There are certain particles that function accelerates the freezing phase, so that the pure water quickly become ice crystals.

5. The pollutant particles are involved in this process as nucleator. In addition serves to accelerate the freezing phase, nukleator also serves as an adhesive between water vapor. Particles of water (which is not pure anymore) joined with other water particles to form larger crystals. If the air temperature is not to melt the ice crystals, ice crystals will fall to the ground into the snow. If the air temperature to melt the crystal water, the ice crystals to the ground in the form of normal rain water.

The process of Tea Based on The Kinds of Tea
The process of the tea produces a variety of tea in a variety of colors. Most people are not aware of the fact that the process is what makes the tea processing various kinds of tea, not the kind of tea plants. Tea plant (Camellia sinensis) grows in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Tea plants growing in areas with high rainfall and prefers soil with high acidity. There are five types of tea, green, white, yellow, black, and oolong. The process of tea starts with tea plantation workers workers picking tea leaves in early summer and take him to the tea factory.
Drying / withering

Freshly plucked leaves are left to dry in the sun or aerated. This caused him to lose most of the water content in the process. If the weather conditions are not favorable, would artificially heated air over tea leaves. This process encourages leaf protein to release amino acids that can change the flavor of the tea.

After the leaves become dry, this allows the leaves to be flexible enough to be able to crush which allows the leaf cells release the oil and all the humidity. This process must be done gently. This can be done by hand, or by shaking the leaves in a bamboo tray or by using a rolling machine.

This stage is the most important because it determines the type of tea you want. Chlorophyll contained in tea leaves are broken down into enzymes that release the polyphenols. Type of tea that has been acquired well below the oxidation of tea leaves. The tea leaves are placed in a room with a temperature that has been set. Due to the absorption of oxygen, then the tea leaves turn from green to copper red. This process is also referred to as fermentation.

The leaves are really so dry, using various techniques such as drying with dry air and sunlight to completely stop the oxidation process. Humidity and temperature regulation is very important in this process to obtain the desired type of tea. If one of the processing, tea leaves obtained can develop mold and become unfit for consumption.

Demikianlah beberapa contoh Explanation Text beserta pembahasan lengkapnya. Semoga dapat membantu sahabat dalam mempelajari dan memahami Explanation Text.

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